Coronavirus Blog #5…Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
Tomorrow was actually created yesterday...
Anxiety, Internalization, And Preparing for the Future….
In Franklin D. Roosevelt’s 1933 inaugural speech, he coined the popular phrase “we have nothing to fear but fear itself“. Our nation was in the thick of the Great Depression and unemployment was 25%. I know that his now popular phrase can be looked at as being rather insensitive and cavalier....
Coronavirus Blog #3…A Dozen Tasks for Damage Control and Practice Rebuilding
COVID-19 has changed the core fundamentals of our daily living, our economy, and our businesses. There is no telling what our world will look like when this crisis finally begins to fade, but the one thing that you can bank on is that Darwinian history will repeat itself....
Coronavirus Blog #2…How Crisis Can Lead to Opportunity
The coronavirus news certainly has us all captivated. New phrases have suddenly been added to our daily vocabularies such as social distancing, community spread, flattening of the curve, pandemic, etc. Schools are closing, restaurants are empty, events are canceled, and we find ourselves in a time where toilet paper ha...
An empathic message to my colleagues, who I always try to help
Service industry providers (ranging from restaurants, movie theaters, retail stores, etc.) including physicians, are going to be impacted by the global economic affect created by COVID-19. As it pertains to physicians, services could possibly be disrupted as a result of the 2 Fs- “fear and fifty dollar co-pays”....