e-Prescribing is the Future of Medicine
With new regulations and policies surrounding prescription processing, there has been a noticeable increase in e-prescribing. If e-prescribing is becoming the future of medicine, then it’s essential that you pick the right system for your practice. Here are some things to look for when choosing an e-prescribing platform.
Whatever program or platform you choose, it should have security features built-in. This could include establishing secure connections, using multi-step logins, or any number of other safety protocols to keep your e-prescribing system safe. Choose a system that allows prescriptions to be held for further physician approval and even canceled after they are sent.
This one should be obvious, but with regulations continually changing and penalties for non-compliance growing, it’s important to know your system does everything it can to help you follow proper guidelines. Advanced features such as data review options will allow prescription drug monitoring for patient medications so physicians can issue changes or discontinuations as needed. It’s also important that your database stays current with daily updates.
Whatever system you choose, make sure it’s easy to use. There’s no need to implement a new system if it’s going to be too frustrating to use. Make sure to get a full demonstration and look for things like intuitive menus that are easy to navigate and a quick and thorough search function. Before choosing an e-prescribing platform, be sure to check it out and make sure it has everything you need.
An e-prescribing platform should add convenience to your life, not complicate it. With a system like NEMORx, you can import patient histories with just a few clicks. It’s also simple to access real-time patient eligibility and costs so you can help make strategic medication choices for your patients. New systems should always make things faster and more convenient for both patients and prescribers. If not, then it’s time to switch to another platform.
As much as some may like, e-prescribing cannot be avoided forever. Get ahead of the change and add e-prescribing to your office today. Click HERE for more information and a demo of the NEMORx system.